“The butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker”
– The story of how everyone benefits from Tourism.
Rayma Jenkins, President
16 April 2019
As Accommodation providers we need to reinforce the story that all of the New Zealand economy benefits from Tourism - besides the obvious: cafes, restaurants, tour operators, supermarkets and petrol stations.
As business owners accommodation providers have obligations for which we need professional advice so we employ; insurance brokers, accountants, H&S advisors and lawyers to name a few.
Our Government has many employed at MBIE and of course we have those in TIA and various I-sites, and Councils have employees focussing on the tourism products they oversee.
Our Universities have Tourism departments employing professionals and researchers.
And then there are the providers of the supplies the visitors consume. The products of our agricultural industry: eggs, meat, fruit, wine and dairy products.
Even those in the construction industry, whether it be new builds, renovations or repairs, benefit from the industry.
It is very difficult to think of employment options that do not in some way profit from the tourist dollar and if not directly certainly through the distribution of the money from GST and other taxes.
TIA’s Sprint working group have come to the conclusion that apportioning part of the GST collected directly from Tourists be distributed to the councils needing to improve infrastructure. So let us re-inforce this by telling the story of how widely the economy is supported by tourism. Distributing a portion of GST is undoubtedly the most fair and equitable. Targeting Accommodation is not.