Tiaki – Care for New Zealand
Anne-Marie Johnson
January 2022
If the first month is anything to go by, 2022 is going to be as much of a rollercoaster as 2021, so we all need to strap ourselves in for the ride!
International trends suggest this Omicron outbreak will peak quickly and then become endemic in the community. At that point, we hope we will be able to reopen our borders and reconnect with the rest of the world. Fingers crossed!
As we prepare to both reopen our borders and continue tackling climate change, there's no escaping the fact that we are all responsible for the care and protection of our precious home.
That's where the Tiaki Promise comes in.
Tiaki - Care for New Zealand was created our of a desire to share our connection to our land with our manuhiri, educating and encouraging them to travel in a respectful, responsible and sustainable manner.
I have been asked how B&Bs can incorporate the Tiaki Promise into their business. I know that many B&Bs are already living the Tiaki values, to act as a guardian, protecting and preserving our home Aotearoa.
For those who have adopted the New Zealand Tourism Sustainability Commitment, integrating Tiaki into your business is also a way to meet Commitment 6 - engaging with visitors about how to be great travellers within Aotearoa New Zealand.
It can be as simple as displaying the Tiaki poster and information in your compendiums and on your websites. Use it as a conversation starter, to chat with your guests about cultural nuances or special places in your area and how they can care for them.
Check out this page on the TSC website - https://sustainabletourism.nz/blog/tiaki/ for more ideas.
The Tiaki Governance Group, of which I am a member, has some exciting developments lined up for the Tiaki Promise this year that will promote awareness of Tiaki and the behaviour we want from all travellers in New Zealand.
If you have any questions about Tiaki, do feel free to ask.
Anne-Marie Johnson
28 January 2022